We are Carbon Earth

Our philosophy

Our team is made up of experts in the fields of financial services, digital assets, environmental science, and business management. We are passionate about what we do and are committed to offering a lucrative value proposition while creating a positive impact on the world.

Our ecosystem brings together innovation and sustainability, by harnessing the power of blockchain technology to solve many problems in the existing carbon markets while creating opportunities for cryptocurrency investors. We are motivated with a single focus to make governance, security, transparency and cross-border consistency central to our our ethos.

The founders

Alan Wepener

CEO and Founder

Over 20 years of combined experience in financial services and digital assets, including JP Morgan Investment Banking, PIMCO Asset Management, and former Managing Director and Chairman at CEX.io. He is a certified anti-money laundering specialist, with an MBA in Strategic Planning and extensive experience in financial derivatives trading, governance, risk and compliance.

“At Carbon Earth, we recognise the opportunity that has presented itself when we combine the imminent demand for carbon credits and adoption of Web3 technology.”

Ingemar Svensson

CTO and Founder

Over twenty years experience spanning traditional financial technology and innovative startups. He is a former CTO at SunGard Asset Management, one of the world’s largest financial software providers as well as senior roles at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers. Over the past ten years he has co-founded a number of startups in Web3, fintech and AI.

“Carbon Earth recognizes that technology innovation is the answer to many of the challenges the world is facing today. Our aim is to be a significant part of this innovation”

Our contribution to society

At Carbon Earth we believe in creating an ecosystem that does not only cater for our clients, but also contributes to a better society for all.



Providing cash inflows to underdeveloped regions



Protecting industries again carbon emission restrictions



Matching demand with supply of ITMO certified carbon credits



Funding sustainable solutions to save the planet



Helping individuals and industries become carbon neutral



Providing cash inflows to underdeveloped regions



Protecting industries against carbon emission restrictions



Matching demand with supply of certified carbon credits



Funding sustainable solutions to save the planet



Helping individuals and industries become carbon neutral